Amos Valenti : There is so much Dreck out there in You-Tube
land that I go weeks at a time without venturing there ! A few signs of a
video to
ignore, a video that starts' look what I am doing,' a single video showing a build with no follow up videos or follow up history, I also pay some
attention to comments like its ok to substitute Vermiculite for perlite (?) or other poorly thought out answers !
For me the only choice is price, probably in the next 5 years there will be something
enough better than Perlite / clay slip, then I will up grade!
I will always insulate my Heat Risers, while
wood is for me cheap, and I love tending my R.M.H., my Scottish nature requires me to be frugal,
and its the Permiculture way ! Hope this Helps For the Craft ! think like Fire!, flow like a gas, Don't be the Marshmallow ! PYROlogically Big AL !