Barton Grey : Welcome to Permies, and a Big Welcome to The 'Rocket' and '
Wood heaters' Forums/Threads ! You will long remember your First few Posts here at Permies,
with over 19,000 Fellow members from ALL around the world, you can come here 24 / 7 and find someone who wants to talk about what you want to talk about !
Lets jump right in ! Your 1st Step is to go to: to get your PDF Copy $15.
oo of Jackson's and Evans' great book,"
Rocket Mass Heaters", there is STILL No
other book in any language, with more
Rocket Mass Heater Family Information ! With over 100,000 R.M.H.s world wide most of them were made by following the steps in
'The Book', and over 95% of all the 1st time R.M.H. Builds (that worked) were built by people using 'The Book" ! (I don't make a dime )
2 though you have to have the barrel on the out side there are several ways to make it more attractive,or screen it and it will still work !
2a There are commercial models with some track record on the market Now, see my
answer to #4, these new units are much cheaper than that !
3 Ianto Evans found a special place with a stable,and mild micro climate, and he hand built all of the houses to conform to the
land and certain minimalists expectations.
if you are hoping to build and use a
Rocket Mass Heater an existing home you
should plan for a vertical chimney in designing, assembling parts, and budgeting
for your build !
4 Even though we have a universal building code, it is subject to interpretation locally, this can work in Your favor as a R.M.H. is closest to a Masonry Stove, most costing
Tens of thousands of dollars ! If your Code Enforcement Officer has had
experience with this type of stove he will be checking to make sure your unit looks well made and
is a certain distance away from all exposures. Short answer, Yes, it can be done !
Get 'The Book', and come back here often, someone will be here to answer your questions. good luck!
For the good of the Craft !
Think like Fire, Flow like a gas, Don't be the Marshmallow ! As Always, your Comments and questions are all Solicited and Welcome ! PYRO - Logically BIG AL !