Permaculture in Croatia:
"Limitation is the mother of good management", Michael Evanari
Location: Southwestern Oregon (Jackson County), Zone 7
K.B. wrote:
wouldn't it be easier to put a standard insulated tank inside your home (or whatever the point of use)?
Our plan is to have the heat collector be under our south facing windows at ground level and plumbed to connect with the main tank inside the house. The base of the tank will be above the highest point of the collector so thermosiphoning should bring the hottest water inside.
This seems like the most simple approach to me.
yukkuri_kame wrote:
Drug Mile's idea is to have a very large tank (to store several days of hot water) plus thermal mass that would take up a lot of interior space if you tried to put it inside.
Permaculture in Croatia:
Permaculture in Croatia:
yukkuri_kame wrote:
Yes, having the collectors below the house makes sense, assuming it gets enough sun there. But unless you are working with some kind of closed loop, the normal water pressure is going to move hot water through the collector into your tank and out your faucet when you turn on the tap, more so than convection. I think?
Drug Mile's idea is to have a very large tank (to store several days of hot water) plus thermal mass that would take up a lot of interior space if you tried to put it inside.
"Limitation is the mother of good management", Michael Evanari
Location: Southwestern Oregon (Jackson County), Zone 7
mtnDon Miller wrote:
Is it ever winter where this will be? Freezing temperatures bring certain problems to the question.
Permaculture in Croatia:
Permaculture in Croatia:
Zoidberg wrote:
Collector up, storage down.
Drug Mile wrote:...
On top of the site there is a road, then a hedge, and here I plan to dig a big cold water storage. On top of it I would build some workshop or kind of a storage, and use it's roof to harvest the rain. Since it is above the house level, I guess water will flow down by itself, no need of a pump.
Drug Mile wrote:On top of the house will be lawn and solar collectors to heat this big hot tank. Still not sure if convection will work that way, but it does not have to, solar powered pump is part of the plan. Since cold water is above the house, it will push hot water up to the shower, right?
Drug Mile wrote:Water from toilet would go somewhere down, didn't think of it much so far. Is there any major problem in this plan?
Drug Mile wrote:
Water from toilet would go somewhere down, didn't think of it much so far. Is there any major problem in this plan?
Idle dreamer
Zoidberg wrote:
Depending of how much head there is beween points of use and the storage up the hill there might be problems with appliances with internal valves that expect a certain pressure to open and admit water in (washing machines come to mind).
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