should probably introduce myself now that I have started posting in here: I am Dawn Hoff, married to Marcus Hoff (who is also in here), and the mother of two children aged 4 and 7. I live in the Malaga province in Andalusia, Spain. A few months ago we bought a small farm outside Malaga (6,5 ha) which we are renovating and we plan to turn it in to a
Permaculture Centre. My husband did a
PDC with
Rose Marry Morrow this summer and will be doing a teachers training with her in two weeks. I will get a
PDC eventually (I broke our car so bad we had to get a "new" one a few months back so there went the money for my PDC...), for now I am learning on the job and doing a whole lot of reading, I actually think it is sufficient to learn what I need to learn, but there might come a time where a certificate is handy.
I am a stay at home mom, my kids are unschooled, I love knitting, cooking, learning and reading. I have a
Masters in Engineering that I have hardly ever used (5 years, less than my time at University), and I am learning far more now being an Unschooling mom and doing
permaculture than I ever did in school. I am a voluntarist/agorist.
I think that'll suffice for now
Oh no - we have a web-site: soloenespana.wordpress.com