Micky Ewing :
While I am not fool
enough to compare myself to that great scientist, Sir Issac Newton, he was once asked how it was that he had accomplished so much, he said " If I have
seen farther than most men, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of Giants " Which I have always translated to- he was well read !
In my case I have been very lucky in having life experiences that continually prepared me for the next step, because I was lucky enough to enjoy what I was doing, it Never
seemed like work !
About 8 years ago It truely looked like my luck had finally run out when I has much too close to a 5'' mortar tube that blew up, The good news is I am no longer a unibrow,
I do not scare my grand children and tho there are deficits related to my Traumatic Brain Injury, general crankiness and fatigue, my co-ordination seems to be better and
my stamina is Considering the extra weight I am carrying, also as good or better, just don't ask me to get off of the floor in a hurry !
There are two sides to every skin,usually it is a plus to be on the inside ! BIG AL !