I just realized I never posted pictures of the extra tidbits I sent with Rincewind to surprise Raven. Huge thanks to Pearl for helping me with ideas and quotes from the book to make them as accurate as possible!
Having watched the movie, I couldn't resist making a tiny Octavo book. And, of course, I had to bind it in the medieval way!
A book is made up of stacks of folded papers that are nestled inside one another (called a "signature") and then those signatures are sewn to one another. In many medieval tomes, they sew each page to a cord, and then the cord is used to help attach the cover to the interior of the book. It's these cords that give books their distinct ridges on the spine!
Another way to help attach the cover is by the use of endpapers. I used pretty marbled paper I'd made with my kids a few years back. It just happened to have a lot of purples and greens. I sewed my little endpapers on, so they'd be more secure than just glued endpapers
I then mixed gelatin with water to make a cheap and easy hide glue. And applied that to the spine. Then I made the cover pieces. Tradtionally, these were made out of wood. But since this is such a tiny book, I just used my hide glue to glue layers of cardstock and marbled paper to make a thick-but-not-too-thick cover board.
I wanted to give the tome some sort of cover design. Woodburning might have worked, but I wanted to try embroidery. Embroidering an octagram is NOT easy. It took so many tries!
I couldn't stop there! I wanted to try my hands at making a fractal chaos butterfly. Apparently, Rincewind has some devestating encounters with this fellow in later books. I tried first making it out of felt...I quickly abandoned that. Then I realized I had this lovely yellow deerskin from a deer my grandparents had hunted some 40+ years ago. It felt good to put it to use for a gift for a friend! I drew on the fractal designs and the woodburned them. They're not terribly fractal....but I'm not good at fractals and woodburning at such a tiny scale is hard. But, I still think it's pretty cute. And, it's thick and stiff enough to perch places!
EEEEEP!!! Look at the amazing, beautiful surprise that came in the mail today!!! Raven painted me Rincewind with her chicken, Henny Penny. It is so cute!! And the purple of his robe is my absolute favorite shade of purple. EEEEP!!!
We were asked to bring in some things we wanted to draw. He snuck in the bag.
I think it was unconscious that I brought the picture box and him (they go together in the story). I wonder if there is some way to play with perspective and set up a painting? He's small so if I put him towards the back and the camera near the front like it fell over... I can't figure out how that would look but if I can, I want to paint it.