allen lumley wrote:et al and the 'pClould' : Just lately we are dealing with a lot of well - failures and intractable problems, I am wondering if during this new wave of experimentation some of our
problems are due to wet perlite, If due to the way the Rocket Mass Heaters are Laid out- Water first from the Cob, and then running back down hill from the 'mostly' horizontal
run of our RMHs could be delivering even more condensed water vapors (produced from liberating the % of water water by weight in our fire wood, and of course the water
produced in burning the Hydrocarbons !) and there soaking some section of Cob located above our supposed to be insulating Perlite!
Like a fellow member once said in these Threads ''I am having a little trouble wrapping my head around Thinking like Fire'', ''and flowing like a gas'' second opinions please !
I expect that this is a possible source of some of the problems people are having, but is it possible this is way more common than we think ! For the craft Big AL !
You can definitely get reduced performance due to wet perlite. Some symptoms can be quick initial heat transfer to the outside (the insulation isn't working); smoke (the fire isn't hot
enough); and stagnation and smoke-back (the system stops drafting about 45 minutes to 1.5 hours into the burn, if the insulation of the heat riser is not adequate to maintain a difference in temp from heat riser to barrel).
We often make the cleanout just after the manifold the lowest point in the system, to provide for drainage of condensation during initial firing-in. You might be able to divert moisture with small dams of foil tape, if you need to corrall it to a specific exit point. Usually, though, the horizontal runs would dump into the manifold, not the firebox itself, so the impact
should be relatively minimal.
A good system will generally work even while wet; performance definitely improves after a week or two of drying out.
As a side note:
Everyone at our
workshop in NY knew all about wet
firewood vs. dry wood - yet on arrival, we saw that the fuel was stored in woodpiles under scanty cover, growing
mushrooms. Some owners make "dry" fuel by staging it to a covered porch area, then hauling it indoors a few days to a week before burning. This isn't actually dry - it takes months for wood to fully give up its moisture content, as it dries by wicking toward the end grain. (Though I do admit the NY owner's fuel-drying process produced better results than the frozen-solid punk I've burned on desperate occasions myself.)
Try weighing the wood, baking in a low
oven for a day or two, then weighing again. If it's losing a significant amount of weight, find drier fuel, and improve the storage. Using a small amount of very dry wood to help heat up and dry out a fussy system can make a huge difference, as the steam in the wood itself can sometimes be enough to put out a fire.
Does that help at all?
The other thing to check on a sluggish system is the overall dimensions.
- Are there any points where the clearance is less than 50 square inches? (A barrel placed too low over the heat riser, choked manifold where the barrel meets the bench pipes, or choked exit are common issues).
- Is the heat riser tall enough, and the
feed short enough? We usually do a 48" heat riser and a 16" feed, with about 24" burn tunnel (10" bridge over 24" total opening length).
- Is there adequate exit chimney height for the system? Sometimes just adding another 5 or 10 feet is all it needed. We usually do a vertical chimney to above the roof ridge, indoors until it meets the roof. Cold outdoor chimneys create tricky problems. Horizontal exits are often tricky too.
- Is the system too long, or has too many elbows? We recommend max. of about 50 feet horizontal run on an 8" system, and every 90 degree turn reduces this by about 5 feet. (Example: for a down-and-back bench, with one U-turn, the max would be 40 linear feet or about an 18-foot bench with 2 runs of pipe. For an L-shaped bench, with 2 90-degree turns and one 180-degree at the end, you would not want the total length to be more than 30 feet). If in doubt, cut the system down to about 20 feet (e.g. use one of the cleanouts to create a temporary exit) and see if it does better.
- Is there any corrugated material in the system, or anything else that could cause excessive drag?
Erica W