Paul Jones : I didn't
chicken out, It took me a long time to marshal my thoughts, So here is a first try at it, Initially we want the rocket stove to be cool, if say the Heat Riser
was an uninsulated metal pipe, as some of the earliest models both here and in Oz were, we would need an additional source of heat from some secondary source, otherwise
the temperature of the gases rising within the heat Riser would stabilize with the Temperature of the outside of the Heat Riser (and within the barrel) and our Rocket Mass Heater
R.M.H. would Stall*. While this can happen with an oversized Rocket in a too small room, or a barrel with too much
Cob on it, the Several layers of upgrade in Heat Riser Tech
and wrapping it in Mineral or Ceramic Wool, does several things, It has proven to increase Temperatures to where we are seeing sintering of sand and of mineral wool and it is
reaching these higher temps much faster !
Apparently what we have been seeing and hearing is an interesting transference of forms of energy immediately after the the hot exhaust gases leave the Top of the Heat Riser
and slam into the inside of the 'lid' of the barrel, here they form a Turbulent tumbling shape sometimes called a Toroid, this doughnut shape is roughly formed by the continued
upward flow of hot exhaust gases, the lid of he barrel and the gap between the sides of the barrel and the top and sides of the Heat Riser! It was pointed out to me by a
countryman of yours that when you increase turbulence in any flow you lose some flow and always gain noise and heat, He was concerned about it, as anyone trained in fluid
mechanics would be but, I just saw it as a non-issue. More heat ? more noise ? in a rocket stove ? I gave it no further thought !
I am now proposing to you that this shift in energy from one form to another, coupled with energy released in the final burning of hydrocarbons freshly mixed with Oxygen in the
Toroid is why we were able to make the original R.M.H.s Work, even if there was a stabilization of heat energy acrost the bottom of the Heat Riser, there was still a difference
in heat energy to create the heat differential engine that 'drives' the R.M.H.
Allowing for the large number of problems associated with trying to take heat off of our barrel safely, I am now convinced that we must allow the R.M.H. to perform at its peak
temperature and efficiencies until at least past the Toroid ! There can be little expectation of finding any usable amount of unburned hydrocarbons past this point !
So if we were seeking only hot water, and zero space heat, we would want a large diameter spiral/coil placed within the space between the Heat riser and the (insulated?) skin
of the barrel, this arrangement would create turbulence and more heat and reduce the distance the hot exhaust gases could flow, and that is a design question left to someone
with less scar-ed grey cells!
I think that the size and style of your R.M.H. would have to be changed to a batch loading model which would make the function of the Toroid as a secondary/final burner
absolutely critical! Again this is pure research and outside of my purview.
I do want to sneak in one final thought, when a fluid pump is created that will work off of the heat energy of the liquid being pumped, start working when the fluid is hot, and
Stop when the last of the fluid is pumped, Then and only then will we have a reasonable chance to escape from the Dangers of solid fuel-fired hot water! 4 the Good of the Craft!
Think like fire, flow like a Gas, Don't be the Marshmallow!! As always, your comments and questions are Solicited and Welcome ! PYRO - Magically BIG AL !