I love farm tours and I try to get invited on then often. I love seeing what others are doing and I really especially love making connections with farmers, sharing ideas, resources and work.
I love giving tours too! I spend a lot of time working and thinking about what I'm doing here with nobody for company but the children and my husband, and sharing it is fun. Seeing the spark of interest and understanding in people's eyes is delightful.
And yet! I have little time to leisurely stroll around doing no work! Drop ins are not ever possible. The only people who can drop in are dear old friends who know how to take care of themselves and will pitch in.
I give tours when there is a work party or workshop, or when new wwoofers arrive, that's it really. This tour is a great time to train new helpers on the fly, giving them an idea of the way we do things and why. If all goes well they will love it here before beginning work. Good for morale!
I do not
answer the phone. I will listen to a message when I get a chance. I can't answer email right away either. I send prospective wwoofers my extensive application and if they seem great, then I'll start with the emails.
There is just too much to do, first of all, and second of all, it has to be both safe and worth it. Serious mental health issues and lack of
common sense about being on a farm are not what I'm equipped to deal with right now. Maybe some day when I have a psychiatrist and a bouncer on staff! Some grownups take as much work as kids.
If I were you I'd have a standard brief answer- no unplanned tours outside of workshops and work parties. If you want to set up a way for a certain size group that pays a certain amount to make a plan for a tour that's mighty nice of you. I'd have a form set up for then to fill out. I use Google forms, it's really easy to save and send. I'm sure there are others if you don't want the NSA knowing all about your application process.
This is a matter of both practicality and safety.