I think I might have made a lopsided ashtray in pottery
class about 40 years ago. Fooling with rocket stoves and thinking pretty hard about putting an
RMH in the
retirement cottage my wife and I are planning.
What is a small easy thing I can make out of
cob? I was thinking chimenae for a couple days, but that is going too be heavy to bring upstairs and put on the deck I think.
How about a garlic roaster if I leave out the
straw? Maybe?
I thought about a scale model
RMH, but I read those don't work great when the j stove tubing gets under 4".
I have a co-worker who raises
bees, but hitting dimensions so she can use her existing hive frames might not be encouraging.
Doesn't have to be something I need or use if it is something I can reasonably expect to give away, I just want the