Jeff Marchchand : with a properly made
Cob workbench we wrap all the ducting in a cob of only sand and clay. the structural cob with
straw in it for protection
from the knocks and jars of life are slightly insulative and mellows things out a little, this should be used as the last 2''-3'',then we put a finish cob on
top and the hand and eye tells you its a very firm leather
couch Bed?
4' away from the Rocket Burner Base you should be safe but a futon left there a long time will start to smell like ironing
with a too hot iron ! More information at
A little bit counter-intuitive, a short stubby funnel will not flow as much liquid as an identical funnel with the long spout, this works with chimneys to. On the
rare occasions that something else is wrong with your system- pumping liquid with a pump, or flowing air with a booster fan, you run up against friction losses and trouble that I doubt you will ever see ! However do a little investigating about
whole house 'Stack Effect' !there you could see trouble !
Big AL !