Ken Diver : Michael Cox very likely has special insight here be cause almost no one in the British Isles has Fossil Fuel Fired
Forced-air Furnaces, mostly it is
boilers of one sort or another, I believe I understand that most of them are solid fuel Fired, and all are vented to the atmosphere a pressurized system solid fueled
system being illegal in the Brit isles !
Due to the nature of
This Beast, it is a common occurrence for the water pipes to start banging in the middle of the night, and the head of the house deals
with this by getting up, drawing off a bathtub full and going back to bed ! These Units are mostly fed with an Auger-feed of some sort controlled primarily with a
thermostat and then the owner !
Which brings us back to who will be feeding your
Rocket Mass Heater, so that starting about 4 P.M. there is
hot water for dishes, cooking, and cleaning, Have you
got your Help-mate to buy into the toting and tending related to any type of
wood stove? Are You prepared to give up a 1/2 hours sleep in the morning to start
the mornings fires before being at a remote location and unable to tend fires, and is that an acceptable deal for your partner?
I personally don't like or endorse a
Rocket Mass Heater at a remote location, The best that you can hope to run would be to add on a mudroom/wood shed onto
an entrance to your house, that is barely separated from the house, The only clues you will have to check for the Rockets functioning is being able to see an
indicator needle (tiny) on a 2'' thermostat disc, and the ever popular listening to the roaring sound that the rocket makes!
When It comes to toilet training young children, we say '' First you train the parents, and then you train the child, obviously the child can not and should not be in a
remote location, and nether should your RMH.
I do promise however that with proper attention smell should never be an issue, and cleanup is a much more
pleasant and smaller job!
Has this been done, likely, can it be done, surely, the question comes down to the extra effort and time and resources needed to make this work, especially as you
attempt to place this system farther and farther away in a different location !
There are no absolutes, but before I said that there was no good clay in your area I would check with The
local highway depts., they know where the earthslides
happen in a Road cut after heavy rains requiring they to send a crew and X hours worth of crew to clear road lanes and unplug road side culverts !
Oh, Yes! Water is a fantastic heat storage medium, and do send Pictures and Sketches, if there is a RMH in your future we will help you find it ! Big Al