Aleksander Jankovic : Welcome to, our sister site, and a Big Welcome To the Rocket and
Wood Stoves Forum Threads!
With over 35,000 Fellow members world wide you can come here 24 / 7 to talk to someone who wants to talk about what you want to talk about ! Your written
English is very good, please understand that we may make comments in
Fahrenheit Temps and
Inches, feet It will pay you to double check our conversions !
You are not the only one to 'like' the idea of using water for heat storage - However there are several problems with doing so !
You have omitted all thermal mass from your sketch, lets workout what that means
THe temperature at the top of the barrel - your cooking surface can easily see 600 ºƒ or 330ºÇ the gases just under this can run as high as 1000ºƒ or 520 Ç -
Again without the thermal mass we have to protect the Floors and Walls from these high temps, by the time your hot exhaust gases have reached the location
selected by you for your Stainless steel or Copper coil ( large diameter 3-4 cm.) The temps will not have fallen below the temperature that heated water will
Flash to steam 212ºƒ or 100ºÇ This can happen in a matter of microseconds, the expansion rate at atmospheric pressure of water to steam is 1 :1700 - Here at
Permies we call this the Boom Squish Moment the boom is your coil and the squish is you !
While simply running the hot exhaust gasses through a Thermal mass can and will absorb and store much of the heat load to a point well nearer 140ºƒ-55ºÇ
where a coil can be safely wrapped around the exhaust gas piping - this can only be determined with careful testing and for many many reasons will vary widely
Rocket Mass Heaters RMHs !
Designing one of these systems for safe operation would require a Heating and Cooling engineer and operated by a boiler certified operator AND Yearly Inspections !
I would start with understanding much more clearly how a regular Rocket Heater with Thermal Mass / Heat
Energy Storage works - This would actually require
building one - and then plan on a lengthy hands on period. Perhaps 1st with a
solar hot water heater system before a
project of this magnitude is considered !
While this sounds much more negative than I intended it was only a brief outline, also it is very likely that a more conventional system will serve you adequately .
For the good of the Crafts ! Big AL