I am totally new at this. I got a mid-size Jersey a couple of weeks ago. We live in East Texas on a couple of acres. Ok, so maybe it's not so cold to some of ya'll, but I'm just wondering how cold does it have to get for me to worry? She is out in the pasture with a shed she can go in if she wants (but she doesn't… she sleeps in the rain/snow). Do I need to do anything special for her?
Feed more or differently? I read somewhere to give more
hay when it is cold to help them keep warm, but they didn't mention how cold cold was and since this is Texas, we've already had fall, winter(all the way down to at least 20F) & spring this week Since I know close to nothing, I was sticking with what the guy I bought her from gave her which was sweet feed & hay. She gives us 3-3.5 gallons per day which is great for us… I'm reading 'The Family Cow' right now.
Also, another question. The pasture she is in has bahia, bermuda, winter rye and dewberries (lots of dewberries) Is it good
enough as is, or are there things I could add/change in the field to improve her diet so I could move more towards all grass fed. (is that possible, I read somewhere else that you can't feed a
dairy cow just a grass fed diet.)
Or resources that would be good to read?
Open to any & all suggestions… Please and Thank you!