Hey Jake - Where have you heard Sepp talk about planting fruit trees at 45 degrees in a
hugelkultur? Every time I have heard him talk about fruit trees and hugelkultur he seems pretty adamant that you
should not plant fruit trees in hugelkultur. This is because as the
wood decomposes into humus it it shrinks in size. This would destabilize fruit trees in a hugelkultur over time and potentially lead to them being blown over and up rooted.
He does recommend to plant berry bushes at a 45 degree angle into a hugelkultur or the side of a
berm, this is a rather ingenious suggestion. This way when the plant is loaded with fruit it is weighted down a bit and can be harvested right at chest level. Raspberries for example are then out of the way for most of the year but when they are heavy with fruit they drape down right at chest level. Is this what you are referring too?