Welcome to Susan then....
How did your brother get that nickname?
Mine is - James for obvious reasons, James and Jami being the same name.
I do not buy organic food because I believe the hype, but because I have to bide my time until I can take over complete production of my own food. I cringe when 'buy-organic' is the best I can do.
I'd love to boycott it until organic really means something, but I'm caught in the middle for now. I believe modern food production will never be good
enough, so buying
local from like-minded folks will be my goal when supplementing our own grown food is desired. For now all the CASAs/Farms etc. use modern farming practices (
petroleum pesticides and fertilizer, and lots of plowing) so I buy organic - sigh.
I too dislike and avoid
politics, while being much like Susan in my political tastes