I am going to leave the
politics out of it as it seems both Socialist and Capitalist societies are guilty of unsustainable growth.
Like Bill said, I am just a gardener, and if I can feed myself and my family without the dependence on fossil fuels, then that is one less contributor to world problems.
What is great about the Russian experience is they had very little money and are thus very much into selection, adapting to
local conditions, mulching, raised beds and multi-layered gardening.
There was a study that said people were investing thousands of dollars of labor to get 150 dollars worth of food. But then of course the person that did that study was not there to see peoples savings wiped out overnight in a bank crash.
Savings might be gone, but food you grow remains, provided it doesnt get stolen.
Part of the reasons there are so few large soecial upheavals in Russia in the summer time is that most people are at their Dachas, tending their crops.
This is why they always have political upheavals in August, and the masses refuse to join in.
To stay on topic, here is a summary article
I am going to post about a Fokin kultivator, which is very good for no-till gardening and that you can do yourself.
google auto translation:
XXX BC Sumerian kingdom: no shovels, no, even more so plows. Main tool - knotty stick. The yield of wheat - 250-350 quintals per hectare (see SN Kramer, "History begins at Sumer"). Now 50 centners - almost a record. What is the secret of the ancient Sumerian grain?
... 1899. In his "New System of Agriculture" IE Ovsinsky, summarized the experience of the then-experimental, wrote that the earth MUST NOT Process deeper 2-inch (inch equals 2.54 cm) ... Then the underlying, intact from last year, the
roots of plants will become a drainage tube: Skip dew inside the earth and
carbon dioxide.
Used Ovsinsky IE instead of a plow horse pololnik (RIDING PLOSKOREZ?!) And received good yields even in drought 1895, 96, 97, when the moisture at pahanyh fields have been destroyed completely.
... 50 of the last century. П.Т. Zolotarev, agronomist with the Poltava region, experimenting with soil unheard said: "To get a good grain harvest, the land is not necessary or plow, or shell, a cultivate, not boronovat - you just need to sow and harvest, for which he was removed from the work and brought to justice. But the matter was hushed: the harvest of the "custom" agronomist was higher.
... In 90 years the clouds around the plow and spade further thicken: talking about soil erosion. To turn the formation of land, progressive gardener began to apply the fork instead of shovels. At that time, V. Fokina and had the idea of manual ploskoreze (by analogy with machine ploskorezom TS Maltseva). Conceived, he was able to realize only after 12 years as a very lightweight, universal garden tool ... The new tool can handle the soil near to the bayonet spades, though, as shown, it is often depth to anything.
In the preface to the 3rd edition of the brochure Fokina B. "To the land of science" FT Morgun, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, academician, corresponding member of the International Academy of Information Processes and Technology, the Hero of Socialist Labor, associate TS Maltsev and AI Barayev wrote:
"... ploskorez Fokina and performed with the help of non-traditional technologist gardening (without perekopki and perepashki) has rightly taken a long time and its place in the historical spiral improvement tools farmer."
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Ploskorez Fokina instead of shovels - 6 hundred a day! One tool - 20 jobs!
Ordering ploskorez
Technological operations and methods of work
with ploskorezom Fokina
Ploskorez for primary tillage and all the work - GREAT.
Ploskorez for "gentle" and very quickly weed - SMALL.
Tools can be "customized" for growth and the manner of working. For this small ploskorez has 2 variant mounting bracket to the cuttings (cuttings to a bracket to one or the other bearing surface). Big ploskorez has 4 mounting options (two more - from the third hole in the bracket). "Mood" ploskorez dramatically reduced, and before the low physical effort, with deep tillage, loosening and hilling.
Ploskorez Fokina instead of shovels - 6 hundred a day! One tool - 20 jobs!
1. PLOSKOREZ - hoe, Spit, Rakes ....
Grasp the shaft ploskoreza as take in the hand rake. Place the blade flat on the ground. Before you - light hoe, scythe, and "rake" with a single tooth, working in a horizontal plane.
In this situation the main cutting edge on the surface of the ground perform on the horizontal loosening soil to a depth of 5 cm for this zaglublyayut blade. Lead as the tool rake, with sharp accelerations on or along the ridges. It should not prigrebalas to soil, but remained on the ground loosened. So treat narrow intertill tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers.
Small ploskorezom produce hilling, working as a hoe, remove weeds on a large bed and some bushes. For cutting weeds, excess seedlings raspberries, work ploskorezom as oblique. The blade moves on the earth's surface.
Ploskorez Fokina instead of shovels - 6 hundred a day! One tool - 20 jobs!