Hi folks, I've been studying this topic for a year now, and even though the how to
books make it all seem so simple, when I swim around in these forums I get completely overwhelmed, scared and confused. Why is everyone here is experimenting with so many different materials and riser gap sizes and vent heights and things and every element it seems is open to fiddling....:argh ! If the formula has been provided then why are so many people struggling with the rocketiness or backdraft etc.? I just don't have the synapses to troubleshoot all that myself - will I really be able to "do it myself in a weekend" according to Ianto?
It would be fun to go to a
workshop but that's a ton of money and I know I'll still come home with my head spinning only to discover I can't actually get my design to fit (I've done
enough home improvements to know that nothing goes as planned! So I think somewhere in my meanderings I saw Erica mention the possibility of training or certification for contractors - is that happening? Is there some way I can find someone in Piedmont (Central) north Carolina to hire to design and assist in building my own
RMH? I've been googling and touching base with
local meetups to no avail. I'm a diehard DIYer but this one stumps me. I'd LOVE to have a fire going next winter.