Joe Sylwestrzak : A late welcome to Permies and The Rocket and
Wood Stoves Forums.
Along the way you have modified your Build into something while still a
Rocket Mass Heater RMH, it is unique
enough, and has Had several variables added to it,
to the point that your list of problems can have many Sources ! Generally, if we are asked, we counsel getting the Book * and building a more conventional RMH.
The RMH's creator live in a very stable (west Coast) Micro Climate with very Stable
Local Winds for virtually the Whole heating season ! The Houses HE builds are
mostly squat one story <15' button
mushroom shaped Structures, designed to promote the advantages of the RMH, and are always vented to the outdoors on the
Lee or Downwind side of the house.
Many people who try to retrofit a
Rocket Mass Heater into an existing structure have periods of problems with getting the RMH to Draw when the wind is from a
certain direction, the
answer is exactly the same as for a conventional
Wood Stove, Exhaust your RMH into a vertical chimney on the lee side of the house, and
extend the Vertical Chimney 5' - 10' above the highest point of your house or its immediate surroundings ! ( Some times a special storm cap is needed! )
Many people find with both the RMH and a '
Wood Stove' that a candle, a twist of
newspaper or a Bernzomatic type torch, placed with-in a Clean out in the Base of
the vertical chimney will warm the chimney enough to contract the downward fall of cold air at that location nd then the clean out can be closed and a fire lit in the
RMH in the usual manner. Again, this trick is as old as wood stoves and is often used irregardlees of 'Stove-type'
If you have not already done so, i recommend go ing to To Download a copy of the Third Edition of the book
"Rocket Mass Heaters",
There is a Box to enter the Discount Code 'Fakeboob' for a 25% Discount, I am sure you will find it Engrossing reading, and much of what your Fellow Rocketeers
have been sharing with you will begin to make more sense ! I do hope you find this timely and Helpful as well as within your Skills set and Pocket Book! For the
Good of the Crafts ! Big Al * If you are still being bothered with 'Wind' look at your diet or your RMH's!