In fact, "aw c'mon" can be harmless amongst friends. Aw c'mon dude, you need to relax, you're wound up/stressed too tight, let's grab a beer and check out the blues band that's playing the
local dive.
But: "aw c'mon" can be not-so-subtly coercive and controlling, implying you are not a good sport, or being uncool, or being a Debbie Downer, or hinting you could be left behind by the cool kids. So yes, mind trick but not Jedi.
Gert, of
course, being a laid-back Jedi, would propose an alternative that was productive and mostly free. Aw, c'mon, let's burn up a ton of scrap
wood and capture a whole lot of atmospheric
carbon in a geologically stable form,
feed lots of people and maybe fix the world a little. Bring some beers and a guitar!