Hello, all.
I finally have my
greenhouse and system set up and was doing
water siphon tests when I encountered a problem I don't know how to fix. When I made my bell siphon I used the breather tube and have the cap - all the stuff that is recommended on various videos on YouTube.
Things started off great - the drip began then the full siphon flow started and then, with about another inch or 2 to go before even getting the water level down to the cap's rim, everything stops dead. At first I thought I had made my breather tube too long, so trimmed it just a bit with no change.
I did not create a trap under the grow bed as I thought that had more to do with getting your siphon started. I do plan to make a trap and see if that fixes the problem of maintaining the flow, but wanted to ask if anyone has had this problem before and how did you resolve it?
Thanks for your help. If you would like, you can check out my blog page to see more about my system and the progress I've made to date.