I'm heading in the direction of no till, reserving the tiller for any new rock hard ground
earthworks. I've wondered (and thinking out loud) about using a broad fork, but I wonder if this too upsets fungi threads and may be counter productive. I think with
enough cover, given time, you might be able to plant with little/no soil disturbance ... time will tell!
Bryant RedHawk wrote:I used to burry it or work it into the top foot of soil. Now I just spread a layer on top and let it soak in on its own time. If you are tilling your beds, I would spread a layer and till it in, then once the bed is ready for planting I would spread a second layer as a top dressing, after planting I then add a thick layer of mulch. I have become a firm believer in the No-Till method and do not turn over ground anymore. I do use a broad fork to loosen the soil and normally I spread a layer of compost before I go through with the broad fork, then spread a top dressing afterwards.