1) If you prune of the flower buds aka plants that fruit mainly off last years growth. The all the energy that normally goes to the fruit production will go straight to growth, so you will see more growth.
2) Some plants will die/stagnate if you allow them to flower/fruit perennial collard, but if you prune off the flowers it will keep on growing for another, up to 9 or 10,
alot of grass will follow a similar route.
3) Serious pruning induce bonsai like dwarfing but mild pruning induces watersprouts that have huge space between the leave nodes, I can only assume that is to help it get out of the reach of whatever herbivore it is that is eating it and then harden off before it comes back next year.
4) If a plant is "root-bound" and you prune its "leaves" thus it roots, and it is no longer root-bound you will get a flush of wonderful growth.
5) If you are pruning both a "productive grass/tree" and a Nitrogen fixer together, then the Nitrogen fixer will release extra nitrogen into the soil that the "productive grass/tree" will absorb and increase it's growth.
Too much pruning or improperly time pruning/grazing can damage a tree/grass.