I've got four hens, and I keep them in my front
shelter, they are kept within some
chicken wire fencing we made, which is not really secure because they often escape their area, which is not really a big deal to me as they stay generally within the boundaries of the front yard, and there is basically no predator pressure here.
They've recently discovered the back yard, where we have grass (The front has some bushes but is mostly covered with
wood chip mulch, which they like to scratch through).
I don't really mind them in the backyard, which is where we have the
compost pile, which they also like to scratch through. If they have temporary access to grass or clover from the back, before I escort them back to their designated spot, I think it's a good thing, let them have a little snack.
My wife, on the other hand, sees things differently. She is greatly concerned about them pooping in the backyard, which could easily happen.
I don't know if she's worried for health reasons and wants to avoid diseases that might be spread by stepping into it, or if she just finds the idea disgusting.
If I find
poop anywhere, front or back, I usually bury it or spray it with a hose so it sinks into the soil, or transport it to the compost pile, or make something like a manure tea. I don't let it just sit and wait for someone to step in it.
Which brings me to...
This morning my wife woke me up far earlier than I had intended to wake up to tell me that all four hens were in the backyard, and she insisted that I immediately bring them back to the front yard to their area.
I hold the view that if you have a problem, deal with it, not
wake-someone-up-and-tell-them-to-deal-with-it, and I suppose nobody LIKES losing sleep, but since I'm now wide awake, I'm curious:
1. Are there any serious health hazards inherent in
chicken poop that good hygiene can't mitigate?
Hmm, I thought there would be more questions.
Her disgust seems to be about to connection between poop and the ground. She doesn't mind the fertilizer tea, it only seems to have to do with the idea of stepping in it.
My stance is, birds of all sorts, and indeed, animals of all sorts, have been pooping and peeing in our backyard since before we lived here, and her aversion is to the
realization that animals could poop in her walking space. It's not just hypothetical poop, but there is a realistic potential for
actual poop. Nothing has changed by adding four hens, except for the amount and variety of poop, all of which is part of the natural process which has been taking place for millenia.
I'm not looking for ammunition to win a fight with my wife, but would appreciate any insight you can offer, as I'm looking to learn something. And FYI, we are still trying to figure out how they are escaping, and have tried quite a few different configurations. Once we've found a solution that prevents them from getting out, we will stop losing sleep over this, literally and figuratively.