It is a little late for this year, but try it next year:
Elderberry Sirup,
You need:
20 clusters of flowers - (best collected in the morning)
1 lemon
1 kg of sugar
15 g citric acid
1 l
use only the nicest, freshly opened flower clusters. Clean them (without water), cut the lemon in slices, add it to the flowers and add a liter of water.
Put this in the fridge and let it soak for at least 1, but maximum 2 days.
remove flowers and lemon slices from the water, add citric acid and sugar and cook the solution until it boils. Keep it boiling for 2 minutes.
Bottle the sirup when still hot.
This sirup can be diluted with water (1 part sirup, 5-8 parts water (sparkling if you like)) - drink cold
You can also use champagne instead of the water, or use the sirup as top dressing over ice cream.
I bet, you will soon develop your own recipes to use this sirup - i promise