I think you may struggle with a fruit tree graft high on a hedging plant. The
root stock tends to be much more vigorous than the grafted
wood and, unless you are committed to regular pruning, your graft may not thrive. I have thought about similar lines, but with the graft much lower and simply letting a standard
apple, for example, grow up in the row. Also, with a wide thorny hedge most tree fruit will be challenging to pick!
Regarding laying a hedge, I agree it is a lot of work, but it also revitalises a hedge and is an opportunity to fill in gaps and thin spaces. For example, most hedging plants can be propagated by layering. Take a stem and bend it to the ground. Where you want it to root use a spade to split the soil and press the stem into the ground, leaving the end with some leave exposed. You can peg it in place using another stick cut down. Give it 6 months and you will have a new rooted plant in place.
Hedgelaying itself is an enjoyable past time, and there is no need to feel you need to do the whole distance at once. 100m a year (or even 50!) could be done in a weekend in the winter, and on that kind of scale you can make small incremental changes. Graft a few trees here, plant a new fruit or nut tree there etc... You can also pick a few existing plants to let grow to become standards for pollarding (eg for
firewood or tree fodder -
ash is pretty traditional here in the UK for that purpose). Maybe make a shortlist of species that you might like to add into your planting mix - a nitrogen fixer would probably be a good bet. If I recall correctly there is plenty of
black locust in France? What about berry bushes in the understory (blackcurrants, redcurrants, blackberries etc...)? All of these
should be easier to introduce if you coppice or lay the hedge.
Infact, now I think of it - selectively coppicing sections of hedge to ground level is not a bad way to get it to thicken up, so long as you can keep livestock off it for a while.
Also, an old hedge, with a burden of thick trunks, will give you a decent amount of firewood at the same time as being laid/coppiced.