Post 790
Day 36 [begin again]
2023.07.10 monday, morning entry
PTJ day 8, back in session
Grateful for cheery mornings..
Each day I get to be cheery to the folks that kitty bring the cheer
Not sure why they bring it
I bring it because it makes me happy
Begin again
It’sa humbling phrase
And a liberating action
Each time things feel heavy
Or overwhelming or confusing
I get to..
I get to
Carry the things that serve me
They bring life to me
And joy, peace, and lovely things
I get to
Each time
Begin again
As a beginner would
Bring fresh perspective
Attitude, wit, simplicity
Focus to the fundamentals
Safety IS fun
When working with power tools
And heavy equipment
When immersed in a new environment
And so many mirrors
That reveal my own ‘demons’
Slow and gentle
Nice and smooth
With blessings and honor
We row on