Leah Sattler wrote:There are lots of wild persimmon trees around here. I have tried them straight from the tree and they have that "dry pucker" effect. you probably know what I mean, the same effect that eating the pithe from a pecan has. Is there any way to prepare them to make them edible?
In my
experience, wild American persimmons do not ripen
very much if you keep them in a bowl on your counter after picking them green, but they do ripen a little bit. If they are almost ripe, just letting them sit can help.
However, I've had very good luck drying very tannic/puckery persimmons to make dried fruit in my dehydrator. This won't make "hard green crunchy" persimmons edible, but if, say, you spot a tree full of ripe-looking fruit that's begun to soften but isn't quite ready to eat, and you're too far from home to come back in a week, or the underbrush is so overgrown you can only get the fruit before it falls -- in that case, picking the fruit and dehydrating it may well make it perfectly edible. This is not a guarantee, I've had mixed results, but it can work.