As trucking in products, not knowing their treatment or source, and taking away leaves/plant material from one part of the property to add to another can all have downsides, does anyone know of a mulching method that could be more
sustainable? I did see something about growing ground cover but am unsure about how far this goes, how much it will cover and how thick it will be.
I know there is the chop-and-drop method, but I've only ever seen this in conjunction with other mulching/ground prep methods. Does anyone grow their own ground cover to be cut and used as a thick mulch right where the plant was growing, or grow
enough mulch somewhere else on their own property? I'm picturing a small forest of sunflowers slowly rotting in that enough to prepare a bed?
What doesn't involve a truck, a chipper, or stealing mulch from another area that would use it. (If I have
trees on my property, then I want them to benefit from the leaves they drop every year.)
I'm very interested in knowing how to do this both on a larger and smaller scale.