I've gotten a bit obsessed with terraces and sculpted movement throughout the gardens - we just finished a multi-leveled, swirling
hugel of sorts. This bed is approx. 40' X 15' and about 10'high at the tallest point. It contains: cherry tree, Korean cherry bushes, huckleberries, blues, pineapple guavas,
honey berries, ground cherries, cranberries, oregano, parsley, tarragon, chives, lavender, sage, echinacea, daisies, salvia, comfrey, blackeyed susans, lamb's ear, mullien, leeks, swiss chard, pak choi, onions, lettuces, garlic, strawberries and whatever else I could grab. It's now mulched with
straw. You could totally
feed a family on just this space....amazing to me!