Jennifer Wadsworth wrote:That was cool! For some odd reason him carving in a window reminded me of the red light district in Amsterdam, where the various ladies (and gentlemen) of the evening sit in windows and primp and pose as a form of advertising. This is kind of the permie equivalent of that! LOL.
Wow - now I'm thinking it would be so much fun to have a permie skills "green light district" in urban areas.
I kinda got the same feeling. If you want to be authentic to the RLD , you'd have to have shady characters of all sorts in the back allies trying to
sell you on something "not so green".
Spoon quality goes way down as you get further from the main streets too. LOL
I did like to hear that he used to sit in the woods doing most of the work and then came into town to do the finish work and sales. That sounds just like the craftsmen of the "olden days". I would be into that.