We've been in the throws of revamping our farm business on just about every level. It's also time to get our CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) shares sold for next year. About 2 weeks ago, we started our marketing blitz: new post
cards, flyers, internet stuff with a re-naming of the CSA acronymn to CSA = Clean,
Sustainable Agriculture. Although I'm sure it's partly due to having a couple years under our belt, the response of newbies to our CSA is notable. After just a couple of weeks, almost 75% of our available shares are already sold (money isn't due until Feb. 6th, so I'm sure I'll have about a 10% loss) and we increased our share allotment by 20%, & now have pick-up locations in 2 nearby small towns 1 day per week for a 2 hour window. I've gotten plenty of positive commentary about the name as well. Just wanted to throw this out there - maybe helpful.