Hi Tom.... I know the area well... nice climate.... we are wondering if you might be interest in sharing your property with a few experienced homesteaders..? here is our post under homesteading;
Hello there,
We are looking for a long term (permanent) Land Sharing Situation in the Western States, (West of the Rockies) or in Southwestern British Columbia..... We have the skills and means to build a homestead from bare land... We have a small, steady life-long income.... so we can be on the land, not working away to earn a living.
We are looking for property to share that has a strong, clean year-round creek or strong Natural Spring, lake , ponds... in other words, abundant
water. But not too rainy (less than 45" annual) ....we do love the sun! Privacy, some trees, shrubs, some meadow or pasture..... and at least a 100 day growing season.
I am a Natural Builder of many types of buildings;
underground Earth Lodges, log Cabins, Stone Houses, Tree Houses, Hobbit Homes, Thatched Huts using wattle & daub,
Straw Bales, Adobe, slip straw, Board & Batten, hand hewn logs, hand split shakes, etc. I am also a very Handy Man, Being able to fix or repair just about anything needed on a secluded Homestead.
My wife is a passionate food grower, having managed market gardens and small community gardens.... but prefers subsistence
gardening. She is a cheese maker, goat herdress,
greenhouse grower, hugelkulturist, budding permaculturist, plant person and homeopathic practitioner. We have been growing and raising about 90% of our own food for many years. We are really into both self-reliance and interdependence with like-spirited folks.
We are Devoted to living Simply on the Earth. We are committed to Enhancing the Web of Life, wherever we live. We are Being the Change that we would like to see in the World. And we enjoy teaching and sharing our knowledge and
experience with others who are on the path such as interns and apprentices. We have lived with, and shared land with other people for many years so we have developed good communication and cooperation skills. We would like to plant fruit trees and bushes, put in a big garden, build a small Hobbit house, build a small goat barn..... and
root ourselves At Home, on a piece of Beautiful land with you, being good friends and helpful Neighbors. If you might want to share your property with us.... as long term caretakers, please contact us. Buying land together with some similarly- focused folks might also be an option for us.
Email: sunnybabaspirit at yahoo.com