I have not come across one yet, in time, I think they will eventually exist.. for now, if you want to heat and cool 800sq ft and you have 48volts dc available and 30-51amps, a split cool dc heat pump might be your ticket. If you need cooling now, there are 12, 24 and 48vdc A/C's out there, they aren't dc connected to an inverter connected to an AC a/c.. all dc stuff in them..
If they don't look like they were made for use in a dwelling, they still work, and if it is 110f degrees outside do you care? they aren't ugly.. they can still do their thing..
telcom sheds use dc air conditioning now and they still do their stuff quite well and they still have all DC everything inside.. don't imagine they are inexpensive, just very well built..
(dc air co.)
If u can find a small enough absorption chiller, it would require a heat source to keep it low in current draw, either propane burner (fossil fuel and pollution) or other means to provide it with hot water.
The electricity it uses is quite low, are they in dc only..? well, if anyone knows of one, I'd like to see it, one company did start a production of such a decade ago.. robur in conjunction with an AE company.. it didn't take.. I don't know what became of them since the only ones I have run into so far are 10ton and larger (via a different company)... a bit over kill for 800sq ft.
I would think an absorption chiller would be a bit easier to be built in dc only, since there is no compressor.
If you live in a dry enough area, evaporator cooling, requires some water of course, but solar chillers run on 12, 24 or 48vdc.. PV direct or on batteries.. In time, I have no doubt that a DC powered ground source heat pump will exist.. DC anything is not so rare anymore, but there still has to be a pretty large interest.. AC units are just cheap, mass produced, semi-traditional way to cool, but useless when u don't have the energy to power it.... but with AC not being so cheap anymore, and the thought of having A/C in a summer grid failure, brown out or black out, might make people wanting something more.. It seems unfair to discriminate against people with alternate energy powered dwellings.. but, I am pretty sure that is why all dc powered heat pumps and A/C's are becoming more available.. makes it easier to live in the middle of no where now..
Plus side is when an all DC heat pump will provide heating as well as cooling, consumes more current, but if you have the energy,... hey, pretty neat deal..
still solar heating is less expensive, possibly easier to do, but of course requires a lot of sun.. and duct work..
yes, I know, so does charging batteries if there's no wind or other means to charge them in winter.. that is when a heat stove comes in handy.. now then, adapt a way to charge batteries via the heat of your
wood burning heat stove, you might be pretty set..
Back to 800Sq Ft.. if 17,000 -18,000 btu of cooling is enough.. a split cool dc heat pump unit might be for you, 2 piece unit, its not the gshp u want and the catch is.. it's production, I don't think it will be available till after the summer (2010)..
well, that was,
Just my 2 cents worth..