This is our first try making a
rocket stove. I live in Mombasa Kenya where gas is too expensive (and I am too poor) to use for cooking and
trees are too sparse to cut for fire
wood. So how do we eat? With coconuts of
course! The Coconut husk gets the fire going and the shells burn like rocket fuel, they even roar. They fat from the meat gets squeezed into our delicious farm food and the fiber is spread out to
feed our
chickens. This stove is so great because after it gets started the coconuts burn like charcoal and produce very little smoke (many women have throat and lung cancer from spending their life next to a fire). So much heat gets trapped inside that I am able to get it started, put of food, and forget about it while I am busy on my farm. When I come back dinner is served! This is such a huge improvement over sitting in smoke constantly feeding a fire to feed yourself. Thank you people for being so inspirational. I am glad we have met with success. If you want to see more of our adventures building permacuture and making
art check out our blog at
Growing Futures Kenya Blog