Hello hello hellooooo peoples of the
Permie world! I am looking for like minded people who I can help and who can help me grow. I don't have the funds to go big, so here I am at home! I would like to link up with people for anywhere from 30 days to 3 years depending on the circumstances. It is me, my fiance, my dog, my
rabbits and fish. Rabbits and fish can be parted with but not my beautiful little boxer/terrier! I have had some big dogs and it is nice being able to make 50lbs of food last 6 months and still having the vet say the dog is perfect!
I am always bouncing ideas off of my fiance, dog and potatoe plant that hangs out in the window during this lovely winter eating all of the fish
poop it desires from the indoor aquaponics system!
Back to the point! I want to buy
land, build an earthen
shelter with earthbags, barbed wire, sand and clay. Have a sweet roof that is alive with grasses and forrage for my
chickens and rabbits. Build an awesome
rocket mass heater with an ambient livingroom floor! I want rabbit hutches and small controlled
underground colonies,
chicken coops, several gardens and a food forest. A couple small farm ponds that produce protein fillets and
feed fertile
water to awesome swales as if I was on the ocean riding waves of veggies! I want mild winters so the
greenhouse and cold frames can help me produce all year long!
I am 27 y/o, military background, beginner aquaponics, rabbit husbandry, and organic
gardening. I am a college student for business/entrepreneurship and I would be looking for a location with nearby colleges.
I want all of the greatness you see above, but there is one problem. NO MONEY! AHHHH! The green that makes the world go round and stops me from growing green awesomeness from the ground! I am selling off some things to get a little money together. My motorcycle ( I am heartbroken even entertaining these offers )! Accepting my reality, at best I can furnish a possible 6 grand of expendable cash. That could be a down payment on a property leaving me stagnant in my efforts. So here I am, turning to the permie world for ideas and thoughts. With the right situation I feel I can sustain or even make this 6 grand grow rather than be spent.
I would live in VT, NH, ME,
DE, KY, VA, NC, or TN if it was my choice. Born and raised in New England so I can handle the cold, however I want to be somewhere that the winter is shorter and good growing season is longer. I love Mountains, rivers, lakes, small towns, medium sized towns, I like most everything but a big
city to live in.
Long story Long, I want to volunteer/intern/cohabitate/aprentice etc etc etc. My fiance and I are eventually going to change and save lives, and this is the crawl and walk phase before the big run phase of our lives! If you are a
Permaculture newbie or a
Permaculture expert I would love to tag along and make an exciting chapter or 2 in your book. If you are a hobby farm or small scale farmer I would like a couple pages or up to a chapter to gain some knowledge and lend an extra hand for projects.
All thoughts, ideas, etc are welcome and hoped for on this
Thank you and happy harvest!