With that housing you should be able to move around the 1 acre without much problem, if you can keep the unit flat on the ground. Sometimes there's slight slopes or divots where predators could get in. You can use that as housing, but you could always ad electric net around it to ad daytime space and extra predator protection. Then you'd more your house around in on electric net padding until you've covered the area, then you can move the netting and house to a different area. The pine trees won't be a problem as long as you can keep your house flat. Keeping your house flat won't be such a concern if you get an electric net. However, if do go with an electric net and you choose a
solar one, you'll want to make sure the trees don't block too much of the sun. The companies of these
solar units say the battery will hold the charge for 2 weeks, but I'm not sure I believe that.
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