Micro propagation is simply another term for cloning a plant from a small bit of material.
We (the Nursery industry) use this method to get more plants from a limited amount of genetic material which we are developing.
There are no ill effects of using plants propagated by the methods used.
Agar is the normal growing medium until there is enough material grown to transplant into a soil or other substrate.
The method usually is incorporated when we need a set of plants with the same DNA to get a seed program going, starting specimens can be as small as a clipping from a leaf tip, to as large as a whole leaf.
These are then placed in an agar that is prepared with 6% hormone, 12% B-Complex, and some proprietary cloning liquid, the clippings are held in place till the agar mix sets and holds the material in position.
Once there is enough cellular growth, the clones are placed in potting mix that contains rooting hormones and bottom heated to induce good
root formation.
Once the
roots are formed and the plants are potted up, they are treated just like any seed sprouted plant.
If you buy a plant created this way, it will be at least 6 months old but more likely trees will be at least two years old.