I do no dig and have for years, I added compost for the first 3 years and after that I just chop and drop the leftovers from the growing season. Being in the "business and a chemist/biologist/horticulturist" I test my soils yearly. for the last two years, my gardens have been almost exactly where I want them nutrient wise and pH wise. I am crushing some minerals to add this coming winter to raise some of the trace elements. I have lots of Mycelium living in my soils, some naturally occurring, some I have intentionally added, the gardens really took off when I did the inoculations and now I just monitor how they are doing.
I have one new garden plot on the farm which we are double digging and amending so we can get the soil into better shape for planting. This area is getting
biochar, mycelium, composted manures,
mushroom compost and chopped wheat
straw. We are also building three new growing mounds (hugels) with blow down from the tornado last year and the following wind storms. We are a practicing permaculture/mycoremediation organic homestead farm.
I really think you are on a great path with your plot. It sounds like you acquired a great piece of land to garden.
Chop and drop allows for replenishment of the soil with the left overs from what you grew, it gives back, through decomposition the things the plants took from it to grow.
The chop and drop acts at first like a mulch then becomes a top dressing compost. It will only get better year after year.