"Saving seeds on a personal level is a shrt term survival strategy what about three genreations down the road?"
"I don't have any fantasical ideas about how wonderful the world would be if there were no large scale farms or leaders. It would result in much suffering."
Saving seeds on a personal level is the only reason that the genetic diversity we've got left still exists. All those factory farms aren't saving a single type of seed. All they care about is another RoundUp-Ready corn variety that they can buy from Dow or Monsanto. They don't care about diversity.
If there were an abrupt loss of thousand-acre factory farms, yes, there would be widespread suffering and starvation. The lack of genetic diversity in GM crops is a food-security risk that is so high that the ignorance of it is absolutely astounding. One virus, one new insect, and we could be facing a nightmare.
It wasn't always like this. Back when the Great Depression happened, America was a country of small farms everywhere. These farms are what kept this country eating. Suppose we had a Great Depression two months from now? It would make the last one look like a Sunday School picnic.
How much actual food is grown in your state, for consumption in your state? Not much. There are only a few things that will return food security to America (and we haven't got it now):
1) Genetic diversity in seed.
2) Encourage the return of the small family farm.
3) Pay the farmer what his crops are actually worth.
4) Get off the chemical wagon and back to natural farming.
Our government has screwed up everything it touches or controls, so why have the people allowed it to cripple the educational system (we're the bottom of the barrel of the industrialized nations), fouled up the economy, and allowed
greed to run America and the rest of the world?
Google an article titled "545 People" by Charley Reese.