Are the nails still there? Or do they get pulled out? Either way, it sounds like a miserable way to make holes.
I use 1" black poly water line, available free, used, from my
local plumbers. I have a two inch honda pump that feeds four 1" lines, and I have a 3/32" hole drilled in one side and out the other about every 18". Each 1" hose has about 50' of emitter length, capped on the end with a wooden plug, which is held in with a hose clamp. I use barbed elbows for connecting sections together quickly. Being an elbow, you can tap them in and out with a hammer. I got them for $2/pound at a clearance place, which made them a lot cheaper. When the system is running, the water jets from each hole go up about 10' in the air. It works. The downside is that I have to walk 300' down the hill to start and stop the pump, and if a joint comes loose, it's easier to put it back together under pressure and get the
But what I'd like to do is build a wind pump to run a single 1" line.