Seth Robertson wrote:The dust collecting part was just a side thought/benefit. Heat and safety is the main goal. I'd love to have a thousand bucks for a dust collection system, but it'll have to wait.
allen lumley wrote:
I went to my favorite D.I.Y. Site and found several iterations of simple /easy dust collectors, I personally lean towards the Cyclone Clones,
nothing as big/price-y as the one shown in Max's link is needed especially if you can have an easily portable one.
Seth, Allen, i will tell you off guys! I said "read!" Not just check the picture at the right of the page. This is just advertising for Clearvue cyclones that Bill Pentz has designed. With the major companies like Grizzly, shamelessly copying it. The clearview ad is there to support mr Pentz, with his respiratory problems; which
led to his research on cyclones.
But he has all the explanations, drawings, Exel spreadsheets etc! That you would want to learn about cyclones. And their DIY making. I have one losely based on his principles. Tho, it's push through, since i like to use bags and not bins.
Glen used good common sence above, and David explains it well, "contained airborne dust" is dangerous. Wood dust in a building, i've never heard of any exploding. Tho, i've lived, when i was younger, around a wheat mill! And there the dust safety was stringent, because they had their last blast fire in the fifties. Ans it was not a pretty site as i have heard.