John Dyer : I would consider your work so far an experimental model and plan on moving on to a slightly bigger pocket rocket and regular Black
wood stove pipe.
While on this page (rocket stoves ) I went to the Permies Toolbox at the top of the page a selected
Search, on the next page I typed pocket rocket
in the search engine , and have selected a couple of threads with pictures to help others follow your build !
Links below :
Note that some of these treads have links !
Pocket rockets are problematical in that they work SO Well they quickly Oxidize/rust, and the challenge is to spend as little money as possible with each new re-build !
wood ash or sand or pumice or a layer of clay perlite on the bottom will help save both the bottom of your barrel and keep you from setting afire the blacktop drive
or the ground at your favorite camp site . Other Insulation on the outside of the pocket rocket will only quicken its rusting out /failure.
Generally for use outside, 3 or 4 steel
fence posts spaced 6-8 inches out from your drum and wrapped in
chicken wire
should prevent accidental contact and still allow
you to
feed your Pocket Rocket !
While Pocket Rockets seem to be only off or ON you can slow them down ether by underfeeding once the rocket is hot or by over loading the feed tube with
wood and
restricting the amount of air Your pocket rocket can draw.
Always burn the driest wood you can- allowing for the insulating material on the bottom of your drum a 2'' air gap should be big
enough with 4''-5'' pipe !
Think like Fire ! Flow like a Gas ! Don't be a Marshmallow ! For the good of the Craft ! Big AL
One more link :
Enjoy the camping ! A. L.