posted 9 years ago
Charming quiz! Thank you.
Here are my guesses:
A white oak
B maybe fir or spruce? I never can keep those straight. The hemlock suggestion above sounds good too, maybe
C wood-sorrel
D I was going to say grape, but I've been pulling a lot of porcelain berry in Massachusetts lately, so just to be different I'm going to say porcelain berry
E A conifer, but sorry, I really don't know who.
F maple
G Quite a few have that outline. A bit similar to the black poplar I know in Ladakh, a bit like the Tilia linden I know in Massachusetts
H Maple
I Some kind of cone or catkin, but not a mature pine cone, I don't think.
Works at a residential alternative high school in the Himalayas . "Back home" is Cape Cod, E Coast USA.