yep they suck. no matter where i have gardened these guys are around.
one way that i deal with them that seems somewhat effective , and at the very least is totally easy, is to put the hose sprayer on really high and focussed and spray them off. its a bit tedious, because i go over every leaf, use my other hand to hold them against the heavy spray. but it does seems to work ok, not completely get rid of them, but knock them back so far that its not as bad.
another thing i have done is a soapy water spray. sometimes i make a strong tea of pungent herbs - thyme, sage, oregano, garlic, etc...and then use that as the water part for making a simple
soapy water spray . i am not sure if this is a huge improvement on just water or what, i dont do it very often though in the past its what i did more frequently.