Who cares its only a word. Yes, lets proceed anyway in the spirit of seeking wisdom and clarity.
Agroecology or simply Ecofarming has a much more clearly definable definition.
Permaculture by contrast is an almost meaningles catchall word that can mean almost anything to anyone, and so almost functions as a secret handshake for those in the know.
Permaculture: at it's best represents more than "just" growing food, for those in the know, it represents an entire way of living that is much more benign or even benefishial to the Earth than mainstream culture. However, food and growing it is the heart and of course stomach of the term
permaculture, it is the main topic of most literature and discussions under the heading "permaculture". And rightly so, food, is not only how almost every living thing survives, it is what defines culture from an anthropological view. Human cultures have always been based around food and its attainment.
So isnt
permaculture then a perfect name for what we are discussing on this website? In someways yes, but glaringly no in one big way, food is not implied in its definition. O.k. Sure, once you become aquainted with the word as secret handshake you know growing food is part of the game. The problem, as i see it, is that its such a broadly defined word that just about anyome or anything can define it in almost any old way. Yes im being a bit polemic now but bear with me. Lets move on to the other term.
Agroecology. This has a specific meaning! Agriculture or Agronomy is the discpline of growing food in abundance. And ecology is this amazing word that really is only 50 or 60 years old in acedemia and really only become widely accepted in the early 70's means the study of the relationships on earth. Specifically the economic relationships between species. Economic? Yes how a species gets its food is the basis of the word eco nomy the
sustainable use of Resources.
So this word conjuction agroecology is the practice of using the earths model of relationship economics to help us grow
alot of food. As opposed to the by any means nessisary method that has been applied in the industrial civilization and more specifically since ww2 with the onset of chemical agriculture.
So we all know what agrononmy is but how many know what ECOLOGY IS? What i like to think of it is civilization slowy figuring out what all of our ancestors already knew living in the real permacultures of band socities and tribes.
Ecology is the thing that created every living thing, including us. It is first and formost species relationships with each other forming communities which for the last billion years or so has meant plant communities as its backbone, fungi and all the other kingdoms of course, but plants get the damn
energy from the sun and turn it in to something we can use, biological energy.
The real issue with this word play definition is that permaculture at its worst ignores what it purports to want to help and is no differnt in that regard than chemical industrial ag. Yes. By supperimposing the will of our species hubris onto the amazing planet that created us. Chemicals sl ag says we need P K and H right? Phosphorus potasium and nitrogen and you just dump that in and grow what you want. Permaculture practice sometimes says just dump these species in and they will make a bunch of food. The ecology is often lacking, not entirely absent but lacking. Sure legumes fix nitrogen etc... But this is nothing compaired to all the divese interactions that happen in a
native plant community.
At its worse permaculture totally ignores even dismisses these miracles of evolution, many plant communities are 10's of thousands of years old, many are 100's of thousands of years old. Make no mistake the members of these communities NEED each other to survive. Permaculture at its worse seems to ignore the 6th great extinction we are now making on Earth and arragantly thinks we can throw a few species together and it will be not only o.k, but better than what a billion years of evolution could create.
So ecology, seems to me, needs to be the cornerstone of what is called permaculture. So much of what is though of as permaculture origin is actually agro ecology.
Fukuoka's rice beds were not permaculture it was agriculture but with the study of ecology included. His amazing transformative story of the mandarins is not permaculture its ecofarming. Meaning in order to grow an unnatural amount of food to
feed and unnatural amount of our species we still need to work our asses off in a less diverse environment. Holzers used agriculture to support themselves, they learned how to do it in a more ecological way for their speciific ecosystem.
Your not going to form any alternative to chemical farming with what many people call permaculture. Permaculture for many is a hobby, what used to be called a gentlemans garden. It is what i would call an introduction to ecology. A great hands on introduction to ecology.
At its best permaculture opens peoples minds! Opens their eyes! To the natural world. But its mostly
gardening. And when you get hungry you go to the store and buy some food! Hopefully from a organic farmer and maybe if your lucky and ecofarmer. The united nations has declared that in order to feed what will soon be 8 billion people we must adopt agroecological small farms.
And i would like to believe that most people that follow permaculture ideas want that. Small independent self sufficient ecologically sound farms. Soooo, they will all need to grow more than is natural. Not by gimmicks or getting disposable income from lucky folks in rich countries or selling ideas in "design courses and
books and video but by growing a hell of a lot of damn food!
I am grateful that permaculture exists as an umbrella to push ideas and a place for folks to gather to think together.
Permaculture is, in the main, a urban suburban pasttime, a healthy progressive wholistic societal force. Its not a culture, its not permanent.
In damaged or destroyed urban and suburban landscapes and old ag
land you can hardly do any wrong by any ole growing of anything. But on large scale growing
enough food to feed a community and not get forclosed... Without
residual income...without a trust fund, is hard dirty work, and many permaculture ideas are just that, ideas. Not something to bet the farm on, as it actually would mean. Can you imagine what it would take to do a 40 acre hugle bed? How much it woukd take away from the
local nutrient cycle of the local ecosystem? If your fortunate to have anything that could vaguely be classified as a intact ecosystem.
Ill leave you with this, ecologists, botanists and anthropologist have found many examples of food forests and agroecology practiced by indigenous natural cultures. We used to know how to live on Earth as not only a benign species, but actually as a benefishial species just like all others.
In order to do this again we need to listen and learn from the amazing diversity that is left on earth. And first do no harm.
Can you protect and even restore native plants communities while growing an abundence of human food?
I believe we can , i have done it.
First, do no harm. In order to do no harm. Understand nearly everything about the land your at. We need "new" approaches, local approaches, natural is, in stark reality a very local reality in deed.
Nessesity is the mother of invention. And nessity means poverty, it means hunger. This is and has been the great inovator and this i believ is one of main missing components to seeing permacultures true virtue and its honest limitations.
Be well. Grow food, together.