I was rumaging under large zukini leaves in my
greenhouse yesterday looking for fruit when i saw a rattlesnake coiled up just inches from my hand. I am guessing it was in there looking for
mice who were drawn by the
hay bales and mulch that is here and there. Besides engaging in the long tedious process of trapping the mice with live traps and relocating them, and cleaning up the hiding places that bring the mice that bring the snakes, any other ideas? I have heard that cats get rid of mice and snakes, and that
chickens and pigs chase off snakes as well, but
chickens would not last long with the bobcats and mountain lions i fear, nor would the pigs be too good for my gardens, so are cats the best option? I am thinking that the sulphur ring method, if it even works, would be impractical for me with 50 inches of rain each winter and an acre garden to encircle. So any ideas?