Hi everyone. I have been writing this post for a long time. After reading Edible Forest Gardens, Creating a Forest Garden, Holistic Orchard and other
books I boiled down the info into small actionable steps.
I believe this would be a great resource for anyone just starting out like I am. The basic framework of setting up clear goals>>analasys & assesment>>design>>site preparation>>establishment is still the foundation, but I tried to break down a lot of information from the books into a simple blog post and throw in few of my ideas.
Here is just an outline of the post:
1. What do you want from your food forest?
2. Explore, Sit Quietly and Observe, Analyse
-Explore your
local forest so you’ll have an idea what will grow best in your area
-Sit quietly and observe your site
-Do a site survey and make a basic map
3. Design – Create a layout and choose the plants
-Choose a general layout – orchard, woodland, savannah
-Start by outlaying your infrastructure first
-Make a list master list of plants you wish to grow
-Create guilds from your master list of plants
-Do a patch design – define your planting areas and plant spacing
4. Prepare the site
-Adapt your site if necessary
-Shape the earth to your advantage and maximise
water retention
-Set up infrastructure and put down irrigation, pathways and fencing
-Build up your soil and improve the soil structure
5. Source the plants and start planting
-Start a nursery or buy plants – your choice
-Phase your
project and plant in stages
-Finally put your plants in the ground
You can read the post
Now, I'm not an expert but if you have any question I would be happy to give you my perspective on things. Let me know here in the
thread or send me a PM.