I'm going on a long drive soon (to look at
land! yaaaaay!) and am wondering if permies have favorite permaculture-themed audiobooks they could recommend. I'm getting mine through Audible.
For my contribution I'll offer the unabridged version of Jared Diamond's "Collapse" at the recommendation of Larry Korn, whose soil scientist background made his mention of the book seem very important. Korn said that civilizations rise and fall on the conditions of their soil, and I think Diamond does a great job of supporting that case, though I don't think he set out to do that. His coverage of ancient and modern societies is comprehensive, and the scope gives you a sense of
permaculture's urgency. I'm on Chapter 13 and Collapse is certainly giving me a different view of Australia than Mollison and Lawton have...curious what any Australians on here might think of its portrait.