Guerric Kendall wrote:Because it'd probably be illegal here.
It's hard for even government-run libraries to do anything good... like this seed library from last year.
Can't imagine what would happen if an actual person started a lending club or something.
It's an awesome idea though. Hope it works out and more libraries start such a program. Here most people just buy and resell everything instead of loaning. Very inefficient.
On the one hand i'm not amazed that the government wants to protect food security (it should) but it is utterly ridiculous to target seed libraries when one can buy seeds from everywhere over the internet with minimum checks. On the other hand local seed diversity is the best defense against agri-terrorism - so who is kidding who ?
Food security is of
course also unther threat from erosion, pesticide overuse, monocultures, new and old pests, climate change......
This does not take away the usefullness of the overall concept of lending each other stuff or of co-owning it. Unless it becomes unpatriotic not to buy chinese made stuff from Wallmart ?
While we were on the subject, a newsletter came in with this link